Just recently, she started looking for more consistent work within her field. The perception that we are our work is a major reason the job search, and receiving constant messages that we aren’t who we think we are, is so distressing. “In fact, many of the people in my study said it was the most important thing to them, even beyond financial problems,” she said. Those who listed financial concerns as their top source of stress often cited a perceived loss of identity as a close second. There is a high likelihood that many of them might be feeling disappointed or demotivated by their predicament.
You need to realize that who you are is more than just what job you do. Remember that your personality is made up of a variety of different experiences, ideas, interests, perspectives and not just defined solely by your resume. Lean into these other aspects of your personality, use them to set personal goals, depression and job search and try to rebuild your confidence along the way. Give yourself a day off for your mental health when needed, especially if your job search stretches into the long term. You’ve probably heard the advice to “treat the job search like a job” and this approach can be a good one for your mental health.
Causes of Job Search Depression
If you’re being selective — as you should be; this is your career we’re talking about — the search process might take longer than expected. And if you’ve been committed to it, you’ve logged a lot of hours and poured a lot of energy into the process.
- Give yourself a day off for your mental health when needed, especially if your job search stretches into the long term.
- Sure, this might be a way of quickly landing a new job, but it can also be damaging for your career in the long run.
- You should say no to some things and welcome others.
- Research Innovative research featured in peer-reviewed journals, press, and more.
- You might be a brilliant project manager with all the right certifications and experience.
Reaching out to your connections, meeting new ones, and building relationships may lead to your next role. So just because you were “rejected,” try not to dwell on it.
Job search depression is real: Here’s how to overcome it
They never gave up on me and I cannot thank them enough. It’s difficult, but if you’re spending your time the right way, something will come your way. Realize you’re doing all the right things, and it’s just a matter of time before it’s your turn for success. So, you’ve established priorities, and you’re productive. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take a day off or enjoy the free time you have. Not much is more discouraging than applying to countless jobs and interviewing with businesses, only to be repetitively ignored or rejected. At the time of this writing, we’re currently early in the stages of a recession, and it’s impossible to predict the full economic future accurately.
In fact, the Americans With Disabilities Act considers clinical depression a protected disability, which means you can’t legally be discriminated against because of your depression. Being out of work—or stuck in a job that makes you miserable—would be difficult for anyone. Add in clinical depression, and the hard days can seem even more impossible to get through. But having people to rely on and talk to can help. Because depression can come and go in waves for some people, it’s possible you’ll convince yourself you’re past this most recent bout of symptoms in light of the excitement you feel. The solution to job-search depression isn’t as easy as hitting the pavement and sending out more résumés.
The ongoing pandemic has sparked a lot of fears for people facing unemployment.
After all, your former job was likely one of your main motivators to getting out of bed every morning. There are various factors that you can’t control when searching for a job, and they may very well be contributing to your experience.
- Manansingh says the CIOs he met through his blog became a powerful support network.
- Establish simple rules like “Not more than one hour of LinkedIn a day” or “Job offer checking in-office hours.” Remember to take breaks to have a meal and coffee.
- Don’t expect to land a new role within a few weeks.
- Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses, skills you have, skills you need, and even make a list of all the things you disliked about your old job.
Each & every staff member, I have been in contact has been kind & compassionate willing to help & guide me through each situation. The staff is knowledgeable, organized, qualified professionals that show genuine concern for each patient. The facilities are clean, well-organized, great food & are a safe environment. D’Amore thank you for all of your help, we wouldn’t be where we are today, with out you all. And women who struggle with depression, anxiety, PTSD, trauma, etc.
Job Search Depression Is Real, And We Need to Talk About It
Get busy on social media and begin marketing yourself to a new audience. Networking is more important than ever, if you’re transitioning to a new industry, or new kind of job. Do something to distract yourself and shift your thoughts. When you feel it creeping up on you, make yourself think of something nice, before negativity takes hold and pulls you down that dark path. Reach out to other unemployed friends and colleagues. Sometimes it helps to acknowledge, and even vocalize, things that are happening to us. Jacob advises printing out his list and prioritizing it, with the items most impacting you at the top.
- Remember that no matter the outcome of your job searching and the number of rejections you’ve received, your current situation doesn’t define you.
- Not much is more discouraging than applying to countless jobs and interviewing with businesses, only to be repetitively ignored or rejected.
- She has relocated multiple times across the country as a “trailing spouse” and has had to execute job searches in completely cold markets.
Contact us today to learn how BetterUp’s career coaching servicecan help you accelerate positive change professionally and personally. Don’t let your feelings of hopelessness about your job search cause burnout and emotional exhaustion. The job market is always competitive, but the global coronavirus pandemic has made finding jobs even more difficult for some people. We will feel the economic impact of COVID-19 for years to come. You might not feel like you’ll be in a position to have options to decline an offer that isn’t the perfect fit for you. For many people, jobs are tied to their feelings of self-worth.
Job searching has consumed your personal life
He was treated with care and as a mom, I felt very comfortable throughout his time there. I am that parent who has a million questions and voice concerns. And each person I reached out to made me felt confident he was in good hands.
But if the opportunity arises, and if you feel comfortable, know there are occasions when being open may actually help you land a job you’ll thrive in. “You’d be surprised at what honesty and an optimistic view toward the future will get you,” Heath says. If you’ve been dealing with depression for a while, you likely know by now what helps you to get through your hardest episodes. In the beginning, committing yourself to finding a job may actually help to ease some of your depressive symptoms. Gloria Mulvihill, a freelance editor and writer for, was diagnosed with clinical depression seven years ago.